I understand how tempting it has been for you; you want to buy that program that promises to give you some rapid weight loss diets needed to melt your excess pounds in seconds. Of course, you want to wake up the next morning beaming with confidence – you want that perfect body.
You’ve heard a lot about celebrities losing considerable amount of pounds within weeks of giving birth, and you reaffirm to yourself how possible it is to lose those troubling pounds – FAST.
Effective Weight Loss Shouldn’t Be Rapid
Let me bring you right back to earth; save yourself from these claims. Anything that sounds too good to be true is probably is – rapid weight loss diets inclusive.
It’s no news that Americans spend $33 billion every year on weight loss products, it is also no news that weight loss supplements and fad diets want a piece of that huge cake.
So, it’s alright to believe these claims, after all, all you see are advert lines like “Lose 10 pounds in 10 Days” and “Drop one Dress Size today” plastered all over the internet.
Truth is, nothing like rapid weight loss diets exist and even if they do – they are unhealthy and can be counterproductive to your health.
Now, you ask: Aren’t rapid weight loss diets healthy? As far as I know, an A-listed celebrity once used it and never had problem with it, what is then the problem?
A lot is wrong with these diets, I can tell you. But to quickly satisfy your curiosity, let’s dive into this together. Any diet that promises drastic weight loss falls into any of the types below
Classes of Rapid Weight Loss Diets:
Very Low-Calorie Diets (VLCDs): These are supervised low-calorie diets based on researches and studies on people that have used them and their effects on weight loss.
Starvation Diets: these diets promote detoxification through enemas or colonics. They promote a daily calorie intake of less than 1200 calories per day.
Diet Pills and Supplements: Just like the name, they are pills and supplements that promise to speed up weight loss by revving up your metabolism, burning fat in the process.
Creams and Devices: this type is the most dubious – lots of magic creams are out there that promise to replace exercise and healthy diet.
First, you need to know that marketers of these products make their claims freely – without any proof or any research to back them up.
The rapid weight loss diets worth considering is the VLCDs – the drastic reduction of calories – but even at that, it is not advised for long-lasting weight loss because one cap does not fit all.
Why You Don’t Need Rapid Weight Loss Diets
The risks of drastic weight loss are enormous – apart from the huge physical demands it creates on the body, there are lots of medical issues that can be traced to it.
People who lose huge amounts of pounds in no time are susceptible to malnutrition, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and irritability. Other health issues associated with this type of weight loss are dizziness, constipation, headaches and fatigue.
In as much as you want to drop those pounds, there is need for common sense – there is no easy route to weight loss. By all means, attack your weight problem in a healthy way to put yourself on the path of success.